Rock Edge Interstice Seattle, Washington, United States
By TheScottFamilyFive on 11-Oct-10. Waypoint GC2432N

Cache Details

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Archived Cache Notice:
This cache is currently listed as Archived in our database.
The could be for one of several reasons:
  • The cache is archived on the cache's listing site.
  • Geocaching Australia has not received any data in our feed for this cache in a reasonable amount of time and it has been auto-archived.
  • The cache's status has only recently changed on its listing site and we don't know about it yet (can take up to 7 days).
  • The cache has been incorrectly set as 'Archived' by a user.

  • If you know that this geocache is incorrectly listed as archived you can click the 'Set Available' link on the right. This will temporarily re-activate the cache.
    You must be logged in to do this


Found whilst on a holiday with Chip to North America.

We spent several hours wandering around inside and drooling over many items, eventually eatting a late lunch. We then came outside for a cache find. Great day!

Cheers (and hello from Wollongong, NSW, Australia)
Made a visit to the Space Needle this afternoon and grabbed a couple of caches in the area.

Had to check out REI and grab the cache as well. TFTC. Big Grin
G'day from Melbourne Australia. I was in town for work for a week and I'd only been able to grab a couple of caches this morning. One of the guys had some REI shopping to do on the way to the airport. Found quickly using the hint. Took nothing but left bunch of Aussie souvenirs. Thanks for the cache and a bit of fun in this otherwise frantic work trip.